About the Club

Initially established in 1882, as a Junior Football Team, a few like minded people formed the community club in 2011 in order to get right to the heart of the local community and develop a sustainable player development pathway that would be inclusive from the age of 5 years to post retiral.
Scone Thistle CC truly is ‘More Than a Club’ and the transformation we have driven, since 2011 is quite remarkable.
The club now commands a member base of nearly 300 people, 30+ coaches and many other volunteer helpers. We use football as the tool to deliver educational and leisure activities that develop the physical and mental capacities of our members, helping to ensure they grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society i.e. we teach strong values of giving, engaging, spirit, respect, friendship and appreciation – but of course we still get cheek! ;)
We are one of the few clubs in Scotland that genuinely has a multi demographic and diverse player pathway, consisting of the following:
- Soccer School (boys, girls and mixed sections)
- Youth boys football (Fun Fours, Super Fives, 7 aside and 11 aside)
- Girls football (U9, U11, U13 and U15)
- Walking Football (male and female participated all ages up to 70 right now)
- Para Football (5 to 18 year olds with Autism – parent respite is a key objective)
- Futsal (U13 introduced)
- Amateur Football (adult age group bridging gap between Youth and semi-pro Juniors)
- Junior Football (semi professional level – top of Club Pathway)
- Over 35s Football (the kidders!)
- Pro Youth (successful pipeline of nurtured talent going to Senior Football)
Learn More About
Scone Thistle 2009s
For players born in 2009 our team train at The Glebe in Scone every Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm-7.30pm with matches played on a Sunday home and away at 9.30am-11.00am.
Home Kit - A&J Stephen
Training Kit - Sidey
Rain Jackets - St John's Shopping Centre
Scone Thistle 2010s Blacks
For players born in 2010 our team train at Scone Airport Park every Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm-7.30pm with matches played on a Sunday home and away at 11.00am.
Home Kit - Elder & Paton
Scone Thistle 2010s Reds

Scone Thistle 2010s Reds play in the Fife Football Development League Under 15s Division 2 for Season 2024-25
Scone Thistle 2011s Blacks
We are a team playing 11 aside football in the Perth Huntingtower Removals 2001 league.
New players welcome as we venture in to our first 2023/24 11 aside season.
Scone Thistle 2012 Blacks
For players born in 2012 our team train at The Scone Park every Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm-7.30pm with matches played on a Sunday home and away at 9.30am-11.00am.
Home Kit - Brown & Blacks
Training Kit - North Star Security
Scone Thistle Girls U10's
For players attending classes P1-P6, our team train at Scone Park every Monday, 6pm-7.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-10.30am.
Scone Thistle Girls U12's

For players aged 12 and under, our team train at Scone Park every Monday 6pm-7pm with matches played on a Saturday home and away at 9.30am-11.00am.
Home Kit - Spar Scone
Training Kit - County Clays
Training Tops - RAMM Surveying
Rain Jackets - Gerry Sheils, Painter
Scone Thistle Girls U14's
For players aged 14 and under our team train at Scone Park every Monday 6.30pm to 8pm with matches played on a Saturday home and away at 9.15am-11.00am.
Home Kit - Pankhurst Decorators
Scone Thistle Girls U16's
Scone Thistle Girls U15s are the first ever girls 11-a-side team to represent the club in the SWF East Region League.